This varieties was uncovered more than 5 thousand years ago in China-Camellia sinensis sinensis mostly expanded in China (sinensis is a word stemmed from the Latin name for China) and also Camellia sinensis assamica which has bigger leaves and also is typically referred to as Indian tea. Green tea is when the drying out and also fermentation is halted bysteaming the leaves therefore lowering the amount of high levels of caffeine as well as tannins, whilst white tea is made from the really suggestions of the plant with really little handling and has nearly no caffeine. Green as well as white teas can be brewed efficiently with water out the boil, nonetheless for black teas warm steaming water is a must. Around the globe, individuals have mastered several approaches of mixture depending on regional custom. The perfectionists would advocate consuming tea black and without sweetening, however numerous appreciate a warm steaming brew with milk and also 2 sugars. Whichever blend of tea you prefer, be sure to appreciate it- if you understand what benefits you!.